Category Archives: Administration


I have wrestled a little bit with how to handle technical terms like abugida and virama.  The first time I use them, it’s a no-brainer: I explain them.  But what should I do the second time?  I didn’t want to … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 2 Comments

Still sick-ish

No, I haven’t lost interest, I am still getting over this cold.  I thought I was better; I went in to the office WThFri… but that took a lot more out of me than working from home.  I just couldn’t … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 1 Comment

Update: sickness, next scripts, ratings

I have not decided to cease work on Glyph of the Day, I’ve just been down with a really nasty cold.  Posting should resume soon, probably tomorrow or the next day. I am going to launch into the Brahmi-derived languages … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 1 Comment

Administration: pub time, comments

Two administrative things: #1: I have changed the time I schedule posts to automatically publish from 00:01 to 20:30.  I discovered that I was trying to wait up until the pub time in order to announce the publication on Facebook, … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 1 Comment

Administration: post-publication changes

1. I made a minor change to the titles of the posts, including the (rough) date that the writing system came into existence and what (modern-day) country it appeared in.  (The country will need to be approximate.  Usually the exact … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 2 Comments

Administration: external links

I dithered a little bit about whether I should put external links into these posts.  I do want these posts to be short, something that you can feel confident that you will finish before you finish your morning coffee.  Furthermore, … Continue reading

Posted in Administration | 1 Comment